So this year I have decided to take part in the Index Card-A-Day challenge. I hope you enjoy what I have come up with. If you have any questions about this challenge please refer to this link http://daisyyellowart.com/icad/icad-faq.html or the one on the side. Thank you and Enjoy!!!

DAY 1:
Theme: Rainbow
Topic: Zebra

Day 2:
Theme: Rainbow
Topic: Candyland

Day 3:
Theme: Rainbow
Topic: Repurpose

Day 4:
Theme: Rainbow
Topic: Faux Stitching

Day 5:
Theme: Rainbow
Topic: Paisley

Day 6:
Theme: Rainbow
Topic: Crown

Day 7:
Topic: Wallpaper

Day 8:
Topic: List of Favorites

Day 9:
Topic: Camera

Topic: Random

Day 10:
Topic: Stamp

Day 11:
Topic: Sun

Day 12:
Topic: Junkmail

Day 13:
Topic: City

Day 14:
Topic: Stamp

Day 15:
Topic: Stencil

Day 16:
Topic: Definition

Day 17:
Topic: Random "Doctor Who"

Topic: Poem

Day 18:
Topic: Summer

Day 19:
Topic: Polka Dots

Day 20:
Topic: Italy

Day 21:
Topic: Peace

Day 22:
Topic: Random (Initials in tree)

Day 23:
Topic: Owl

Day 24:
Topic: Quote

Day 25:
Topic: Lyrics

Day 26:
Topic: Random (End of Pregnancy)

Day 27:
Topic: Random (welcoming baby Riley!)

Day 28:
Topic: Love

Day 29:
Topic: Portrait

Day 30:
Topic: Harry Potter

Day 31: (July)
Topic: Lizard

Day 32:
Topic: Pattern

Day 33:
Topic: Psychedelic

Day 34:
Topic: Holiday!

Day 35:
Topic: Random

Day 36:
Topic: Rainbow

Day 37:
Topic: Free Expression

Day 38:
Topic: Mom visitin from PA

Day 39:
Topic: Stream of Consciousness (scribble drawing)

Day 40:
Topic: Nail Polish

Day 41:
Topic: Graffiti

Day 42:
Topic: Rain

Day 43:
Topic: In Memory of Mia the Pug

Day 44:
Topic: Ocean

Day 45:
Topic: Quilt

Day 46:
Topic: Mandala

Day 47:
Topic: (motor) Bicycle

Day 48:

Day 49:

Day 50:

Day 51:

Day 52:

Day 53:

Day 54:
Topic:Found poetry "Freedom doesn't stand still for anyone, least of all those who spend their time pursuing it. Freedom roams. It answers to no one. We don't buy into any stereotypes. Strangely enough, the on thing that unites us is that we all go our own way. And nothing is ever gonna change that" -Found in a Harley Davidson magazine.

Day 55:
Topic: Rorschach Print

Day 56:
Topic: Ogee

Day 57:
Topic: Mia the Pug

Day 58:
Topic: Candy Wrapper

Day 59:
Topic: Mindfulness quote - Dr. Patricia Isis

Day 60:

Day 61:
Topic:Quote - Mary Oliver



  1. It was great to see all of your Index cards! I had missed some of them on the website! I love the turtle adn I am a big "Little House" fan. Would you want to post Day 14 on my Blog? I'm doing a "little House week":) I will put a link to your blog on there:)

    1. Thank you Molly! some of them I did not post on the website because I feel behind on days. You are more then welcome to post the pic of my "little house" card. If you aren't able to copy/save it just let me know and I can send it via email.

  2. WOW!!! Love all your Index cards, esp the junk mail! too cute!

    1. Thank you! I am a huge turtle fan so you may seem more of them as time goes one. :)

  3. and I'm in Panama City, bout 2 hrs from Tallahassee. :-)

  4. Wow! what fantastic cards - and so great to see them all together. Good luck with your Art Therapy course - how fabulous to study that! Wish I had more years to do something like that - but will just have to content myself with making ICAD's - very therapeutic anyway!

    1. Thank you Sue! I must say I am very lucky to have found an area of study that combines my two interests, Art and psychology. It is amazing to see how people, no matter their artistic skill, are able to heal and become relaxed through doing the most basic art. looking at your blog you are quite the artist yourself. I love all your work from the ICADS to you canvas ink and acrylic paintings. They are all so beautiful! :)

  5. So many colourful cards - congratulations on completing the challenge!
