Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to Make a Dream Catcher

1. To determine the length of leather needed, follow the distance of the ring with the leather and times it by 3 (so the equivalent if you circled the ring 3X with the leather)
2. Hot glue the on end of the leather to the ring.

3. Continue wrapping the leather all the way around the ring.

4. When back at the start, apply more hot glue and finish wrapping the ring. 

5. Trim off the rest of the leather and save this for later for the hanging part.

6. To measure out the cording or string, use the distance of the ring times 5 or 6 (if it not enough string/cording you can add more as you go)
7. Tie the one end of he cording/string to the starting place around the ring

8. take the cording and go over and under the ring and then out over the string to make a loop.

9. Continue this around the ring making sure to space the loops out evenly. 

10. Depending on how you want the beads spaced will determine how many loops you want. If you want them spaced liked this dream catcher example, then do an even number of loops. If you want them spaced more like example number 2, do an uneven number of loops.

11. Before adding any beads, you will first take the string/cording and weave it in and out around the entire ring.  

12. If you want to add beads, upon starting the next row you will add one bead. If not, skip this step.

13. After adding the bead (optional), take the string/cording and go over and through the previous loop then back through the new loop. 

14. If making a pattern with the beads, make three loops and on the fourth loop add another bead. Continue that pattern all the way around the ring. I personally altered bead colors. 

15. When doing the next row, whenever you come to a loop with a bead on it, make sure you are consistent on if you create the new loop either before or after the bead.

16. When the center circle is the size you want, tie off the string. You can add some super glue or hot glue if want to reinforce your knot even more. 

17. Here is the final project! At this point you can add feather and use your extra leather from step 5 to create a way to hang your dream catcher. Please feel free to refer to my other examples for different variations J
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5