Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Delivery Time!

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for me and my BF. Tomorrow morning at 7:30am I will be having a c-section and we (along with family) will be welcoming baby Riley Anthony Carroll into the world! Full of both excitement and nervousness we are both looking forward to finally meeting the newest member of our family.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Art Journal Prompt #3

So one thing I am always most inspired by is music and much of the time I try o reflect that in my art. Here is an example of a simple piece I did using the words from the song "Knee Deep" by Zac Brown Band. Under the ART JOURNAL tab you will see another version I did of this in a friend's journal as well. So when you listen to music take the time to think to yourself if you could visually express the words and emotions that song is expressing to you, how would you do it?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Art Journal Prompt #2

Sometimes I am stuck on what to so as I am sure many of you are as well. What I enjoy doing in those moments is doing my own personal take or rendition on something in the media or posters that I enjoy personally. Here is one I came up with for a friend's art journal:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Art Journal Prompt #1

So in this journal swap that I am partaking in with the other Art Therapy Ladies, one person had placed an optional prompt in her journal that asked "What moves you?" Here is my response piece to that:

So now it's your turn. What moves you?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Welcome to my Blog!!!

Thank you for visiting my blog. I am not very great at expressing myself through words, but art has provided me with both an outlet and way of expression that I hope can relate to others in ways words cannot. Please enjoy my work and I hope it inspires you to find your creativity as well and always remember to stay colorful!

"Art is the only way to runaway without leaving home" -Twyla Tharp